(734) 904-7279
Greater Ann Arbor's premier choice for specialized in-home pet care + more

experience, credentials
& professional affiliations
Lorrie has over 20 years of experience in the pet sitting industry, and continues to build her skill set. Having taken advantage of class time locally and across the country, she has attended the following classes and workshops. Certifications and Internships are proudly indicated.
End-of-life doula workshop, facilitated by Lifespan Doula Association, Ann Arbor, MI ; 2016 (certificate of completion)
'Living and working with fearful dogs', facilitated by Debbie Jacobs, CPDT-K, New Orleans, LA; 2016
Veterinary first aid/CPR (with revised guidelines), facilitated by Pet Professional Guild/DogNostics; re-certification 2017. (earned re-certification in pet CPR and pet first aid)
Fear Free Pets symposia, facilitated by Fear Free Pets (Marty Becker, DVM et al.), Phoenix, AZ; 2017 (certificate of completion)
Reptile Husbandry & Handling, Great Lakes Zoological Society/World of Discovery -- Conservation & Rescue Center; November, 2011
Pet Loss & Grief Companioning, facilitated by Coleen Ellis (sponsored by Two Hearts Pet Loss Center & Pet Loss Professionals Alliance) Palm Springs, CA; 2017 (earned certification as a Pet Loss and Grief Companion)
Doggone Safe program: 'Learn to Speak Dog! Canine Communication & Social Behavior', facilitated by DogNostics, 2017 (certificate: Dog Bite Safety Educator)
Infectious Disease Management Program (veterinary), facilitated by Heroes for Healthy Pets et al., 2018 (earned certification)
Animals in Disaster: Awareness & Preparedness, faciliated by FEMA, 2017 (certificate of completion)
Animals in Disaster: Community Planning, facilitated by FEMA, 2017 (certificate of completion)
Certified Professional Pet Sitter (CPPS), facilitated by Pet Sitters International, 2024 (earned re-certification)
Compassion Fatigue Resiliency - Educator, Traumatology Institute, May, 2019 (certificate of completion)
Science of Animal Behavior Conference, event facilitated by K9 Turbo Training & Detroit Dog Rescue, September 2021 (earned professional CEU's for attending breakout sessions on advanced canine and feline body language, learning theory, husbandry, training, behavior modification and enrichment for animals)
Aggression in Dogs, annual conference, October 2023
Compassion Understood: Pet Loss Training Program, October 2019 (passed assessments, earned certificates of completion and professional CEU's for the three-component program that covered topics including the Fourth Life Stage, compassionate communication, decision making and end-of-life discussions, intro to hospice and palliative care, bond-centered end-of-life care and euthanasia, supporting families after the pet's passing, using reflective practice and enhancing soft skills)
Veterinary first aid/CPR (with revised guidelines for CPR; facilitated by Pet Sitters International), July 2021. (passed assessment & earned re-certification and professional CEUs)
International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care annual conference; October, 2023.
Lemonade Conference, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants; February, 2022
Fear Free Pet Sitter Certification Program, facilitated by Fear Free Pets, July 2023 (completed coursework, passed assessments and earned re-certification and CEU's)
earned credential of Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner, facilitated by Animal Hospice Group, April 2023. Included completing nearly 100 hours of coursework, participating in group discussions, presenting case studies in animal hospice, passing a four-hour exam and other knowledge assessments with honors (scoring above 90%).
Certified Hospice & Palliative Care Advocate (facilitated by International Association for Animal Hospice & Palliative Care), July 2024
REDI (Racial Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) coursework completion, facilitated by Companions & Animals for Reform & Equity (CARE) with support from Maddie's Fund & PetSmart Charities, June, 2023.
earned certificate via Be There Certificate, September, 2023 (facilitated by Jack.org & Born This Way Foundation. Program designed to increase mental health literacy & awareness by boosting skills in supporting anyone experiencing mental health challenges from a layperson's lane.
...and countless continuing education on topics such as T-Touch for fearful & shy dogs as well as those with seizure disorder; fear threshold in dogs; pet loss + grief & the holidays; illicit drug exposure & symptoms in companion animals; shifting from cure to comfort in animal hospice; building resilience in dogs after trauma, abuse & neglect; senior & geriatric pet care; aggression in dogs; serious veterinary medication side effects; special considerations for dogs with separation anxiety; the effect of medical issues on feline behavior; understanding how separation anxiety in dogs is properly assessed + how effective training plans to address it are created + keeping families motivated; using negative reinforcement to work with fearful cats; canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) and help for aging cats: behavioral, environmental, and medical management; canine and feline psychopharmacology; canine and feline socialization; canine predation; inappropriate elimination in cats; the influence of genetics and epigenetics on animal behavior; understanding aggression in dogs: neurochemistry, genetics, epigenetics, maternal/neonatal care and socialization of canines and felines; understanding drug diversion and human abuse of veterinary-prescribed opioids; human-directed feline aggression; living with and loving a pet with behavior issues; resolving canine resource guarding; spiritual care of the dying; compulsive grooming issues in cats: management of overgrooming in cats, the physiology of death/the stages of dying in companion animals, nursing care for common palliative care/hospice care cases; orchestrating the client experience in end-of-life care; veterinary client caregiver burden; understanding caregiver responses to impending loss; complicated grief and helping strategies for veterinary hospice families; communicating with children about end-of-life and euthanasia ... and the knowledge-base keeps growing.
Lorrie is a proud member of:
International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC)
Animal Hospice Group (AHG)
Pet Sitter International (PSI)
Pet Professional Guild (PPG)
Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement (APLB)
National End Of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA)
Doggone Safe
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC, supporting member)
Fear Free Pets
Ann Arbor Area Pet Sitters